New Laws – Changes to Contracts and Employment Entitlements
October 2022 saw the introduction of a new set of laws which are posed to cause a rumble within human resources management. One legal notice tackled platform work (we shall not be addressing matters pertaining to this new legislation), whilst the other legal notice which we shall focus on regulates an all-encompassing topic that will apply to any employer operating in Malta, covering increased transparency and predictability in employee working conditions. As per usual, the responsibility of ensuring the delivery of such information falls on you.
In this webinar, we will specifically discuss the changes being made to what employees are to expect from their employers, with specific emphasis on the basic requirements which your contracts of employment are legally required to contain following such changes. New developments include certain requirements relating to training and parallel employment. Zero-hour contracts have also been heavily affected by this new law, appearing to significantly limit their scope.
Want to know more? Join us on 3 November for our webinar and feel free to come prepared with any questions you may have on the matter.
Webinar will be delivered via Zoom.
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3 November 2022
EUR 30